Simple Beauty

Simple Beauty

I realised today I hadn’t blogged for a while so thought I’d better get myself sorted!

So today’s post is called Simple Beauty and was my entry in the ‘end of course photo competition’ of a training course that I attend.

I wanted to go for something simple, black and white and with a lighting effect and I must say I do rather like the end result.

I was third! Oh well some you win……

Eccentricity – Oxford

Eccentricity - Oxford

My post today is called Eccentricity as it is a picture taken at the Museum of the History of Science which has an ‘Eccentricity’ exhibition.

At least I think that is where this was taken! I know it is in Oxford but I have to admit that it is another one from my archives and I’m sort of guessing because of the sign above the door that it’s the museum in the picture!

Still, I hope you like the picture and do please click on the picture if you’d like to view some more of my work.

Thanks, Ian

Barcelona Street Art

Barcelona Street Art

Today we’re on a trip to Barcelona and a HDR image of some street art.

As you’re making your way through the alleyways of Barcelona you can’t help but admire the intricate artwork that adorns some of the buildings.

For more images of Barcelona just click on the picture and take a look at our Barcelona Gallery.

Castle Ruins, Aberystwyth

Castle Ruins, Aberystwyth

A second post today which is a HDR image of the Castle Ruins in Aberystwyth, Wales.

This is one of the very first pictures that I took when I really started to develop my passion for photography. As I was (and probably still am) a novice I didn’t know much about camera settings, exposure and other important considerations so I have to say I’m very grateful for Photoshop and giving me the opportunity of bringing this picture to life.

For more of my work including images from around the UK please click on the picture and you will be taken to my website.

Sunset at Ferry Meadows

Sunset at Ferry Meadows

Another one from my archives today and a picture called Sunset at Ferry Meadows.

This was taken the other year at a place called Ferry Meadows in Peterborough which is a huge watersports centre with massive lakes and wildlife areas.

We visited just as the sun was setting which enabled me to quickly grab this shot.

To view my website please click on the picture.